Sunday, February 17, 2013

The pain is winning

I've disappeared--but this time, it was somewhat legitimate. Pain has consumed me once again, so this will be a brief post...a post to catch up on my prompts and to hopefully distract myself for a little bit from the pain.

February 15

"If we did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves."

Preface: If we simply acknowledged all that we are currently doing, we would astound ourselves!

Assignment: Today, bring some conscious awareness to all you are currently doing.

>>My Feb. 15 consisted of pain, a pain that I haven't been faced with for over a year. It was a process of relearning. A day of learning to listen to my body again and coping with that. I dusted, I did dishes, I started my laundry, I picked up my things, I braved the three flights of stairs to go get the mail...but mostly I slept. I slept and allowed my body to heal and remember this pain and how to cope with it.

February 16

"Never give up and never face the facts."

Assignment: Today, notice what lies you've been taught to believe are facts. Ask yourself regularly throughout the day, "Is that true?" "How do I know that's true?"

>>Again, I was still battling pain, so a lot of today consisted of, "how do I know my pain will end?" I've been told to breathe through it, that it will pass, but I sit here on Feb. 17, with my pain peaking, and it has not passed--it has not gotten any easier. I wouldn't necessarily say I've been told lies, I would say that I've been given words of comfort and words of love--those who are in my life, don't lie to me. Except for maybe my doctors....cuz they're crazy.

February 17

"The next message you need is always right where you are."

Assignment: Today, look around. What's the message?

>>Listen to your body. If you overdo it, you pay. Allow your body and mind to heal--it may remember pain, but it may not remember all of the different ways to cope with it. Remember now that you have a support system--reach out and know that you are no longer alone.

Below the Radar

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