Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Well, somehow I did it. I managed to get a bladder AND kidney infection. Better than kidney failure, but I'm struggling nonetheless. Forgive me for falling behind, again (always?) but the theme has continued...

Feb. 22

"Everybody is all right really."

Assignment: Today, smile each time you see the color green. (Remind yourself that everybody is all right really.)

Feb. 23

"Joy is not in things; it is in us."

Assignment: Today, smile each time you see the color blue. (Can you feel the joy?)

Feb. 24

"Millions of people long for immortality who do not know what to do with themselves on a rainy afternoon."

Assignment: Today, smile each time you see the color purple. (Take a deep breath, and feel the tension release.)

Feb. 25

"Rest does not come from sleeping but from waking."

Assignment: Today, smile each time you see white. Very restful!

Feb. 26

"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem."

Assignment: Today, notice the solutions rather than the problems.

Outside of constantly smiling (which is no easy task when you're in constant pain), today will be a struggle to see the solutions rather than the problems. Too many times, I dwell on the problems due to my chronic illness and my pain...how will I get through today? What will today bring to me? How will I manage my pain? I know all of the answers to these questions, of course, because I've been managing this illness for the last 8 years, but I still fret about it. I never know when things will get worse or better, but I need to start focusing on the fact that I've built up the ability to cope and have a support system (Below the Radar) that will be there for me through good days and bad. 

Here's to hope, and the reminder that there is always a solution.

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