Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A redirect

I've started a new journey--a journey that is focusing on healing myself mentally and emotionally, while I struggle with increasing and worsening physical health and pain. Everyday, I will blog. Everyday, I will be given a quote and a prompt that I have to reflect on to work towards a healthier lifestyle. I go back to a different doctor tomorrow for my pain.

Yesterday: "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." 

Assignment: Today, consider what "happily ever after" means to you. Can you have a little of that today? 

In a word, "happily ever after" means "freedom." Freedom from the pain. Freedom from the medication. Freedom from the frustration and agony associated with the chronic illness. Freedom from not knowing. My freedom yesterday was allowing myself to just relax. To give myself a day to heal and the freedom to feel the emotions of frustration and try to move forward.

Today: "We turn to God for help when our foundations are shaking, only to learn that it is God who is shaking them." 

Assignment: What has been "shaking" you that you might be ready to see as a spiritual opportunity? 

This assignment was hard on me. It's hard for me to see the negatives in my life as a way that God is speaking to me to strengthen my faith. However, with the increase of my pain, I'm doing by absolute best to remember that the pain in my life, given to me, is pain that I know I can handle. Even when I'm on the floor in pain and feel like I've reached my breaking point--I always find more strength.

When I was laid off last week, my whole world shook. I had no idea where I was going to go next, I still have no idea where things are going to go from here. I've had one interview, two rejection letters and over two dozen applications were sent out--and I'm still applying. I'm going stir-crazy doing nothing all day, I'm doing Internet surveys to pass the time because I'm that desperate. I'm working out as much as my body can handle and I'm detoxing in the sauna as I can, too. As much as I would like to be working and need to be working in order to support myself--I can't help but wonder if this was God's way of telling me to slow down and take a look at my life. I was in a job that I didn't go to school for, and while I absolutely adored and loved the people I had the honor of working with every day, my heart just wasn't in that job. So perhaps that life shaking was God's way of saying "Wake up, Katie. It's time to find me again. It's time to get back on the path that I have made for you."

I believe this is going to be a good journey for me. I think this is going to be what I need to heal.

Love and hugs.

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