Thursday, January 31, 2013

Acknowledge the light

"Faith is like electricity. You can't see it, but you can see the light."

Assignment: Today, acknowledge that you are seeing the light.

Fluorescent lights. Those are the majority of the lights I saw...blurred behind my tears as the doctors said they couldn't do anything for my pain. They have no definitive cause for my pain. They just don't know. So I was told to live with it.

Overhead lights at the dentist, telling me that the steroid I've been prescribed and on had given me six cavities, which I will be getting filled tomorrow. (For the record, I do brush my teeth).

Lights from the flickering candle as I sit in the tub and hope the pain and lavender heal my pain. Lights being turned back on knowing it hasn't worked, but I have hope that there is some sort of help for me.

Now these are all literal lights. No figurative lights for faith. For today, my faith is shaken. Today, I am angry and frustrated because I don't want to live with this pain anymore and I'm running out of strength. I want to cry. I want to hide.

But I survive. Because I have to. Because there is light in even the darkest of situations.


  1. the thing is... your words are mine.
    your story is mine.

    we are truly living something I thought nobody else was. thank you, for showing me I'm not alone. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  2. We will always survive. Because we have each other <3 Love you so much A!
