Monday, February 4, 2013

More thank yous and flying the nest

Sorry for a few days. Super Bowl Sunday, you know...filings and numb mouth. No excuses though. I'll just post all of the quotes and assignments and then do a general overview.

Since 2/2/2013...

"Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality."

Assignment: Today, continue saying “thank you” as often as you can and add a smile.

"A diamond is just a lump of coal that stuck to its job."

Assignment: Today, recognize that “lump of coal” in your life that you suspect is a diamond in the making if only you will stick with it.

"You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down."

Assignment: Today, unpack that “wing building” kit.

As I've said, I always try to thank people as much as possible. With my completely numb bottom jaw, drooling like a dog face, I tried to smile with those thank yous on that day, too. But, in actuality, that day was spent mostly with my family, healing from the seven shots I received in my jaw--I did thank them for the soft food, taking care of the dogs so I could sleep and bringing me ice packs. I do have quite a fantastic family.

I've begun working out again, slowly. It's something that my health has prevented for many, many years. Right now, even my low intensity workouts are causing my scar tissue to rip and cause a lot more pain than any "normal" person would endure, but I believe this is one of my prominent diamond in the rough-likes in my life. I need to lose weight, I clearly need to be healthier, so I try to go to the gym at least three times a week (so much easier now that I have no job--SOMEONE HIRE ME!!!!) and I take time to sit in the dry sauna to detox.

I'm starting from scratch right now. I was laid off, I'm tied to a lease until July, and while my family is graciously helping me with bills, I feel like a charity case. I want to work. I want to find a job that awakens my soul and allows me to write my words, tell stories, tell other people's stories....and so far, not many fish are biting. I have the experience and the passion, but because of my age, most employers don't look twice at me. Yeah, okay, I'm 23, but I probably have more passion in my pinky than your entire department.

So that's where I am right now. I continue my relentless employment journey with no end in sight and try to keep my head held high.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

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